New Year, Birthdays, Vacation...
And a bunch of other crap sucking up my time.
Greetings Users,

It might have seemed like SPN was not being updated, but what it was really just a mutation. Cocoon'ing of sorts. I've been busy trying to put foundations together, program games for the upcoming arcade, and deliver high quality graphics and redundant news forcasts.

On the brighter side, Las Picturas has merged with Khyron's well-known BBW (Beautiful Black Women) site thus spawning an enigmatic change in the way the world revolves around the axis. It also spawns more work, but never you mind that!

There's a lot of updates coming this way including redesigns and dynamic pages. I've had done designs sitting in the back for sometime now and it's past due I start putting some of this new stuff up.

Our video is also backlogged as I still fight to get new equipment. So bear with me and I'll love you forever.

So please, stay tuned as we bring you the best in enigmatic, eccentric, underground, multimedia entertainment. *whew!*

-- Midknight - 2/23/99
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